What’s the Status of My Order?
Quick answer
You can check the status of your order and the tracking number on the Order History page on Kwik.com or on the Kwik app. If you have questions about your order status, you can contact the seller:
How to check your order status
To check the status of your order:
- Sign in to Kwik.com and go to Order History
- Click the View Details on the product you purchased
- This will bring up your order receipt including your Tracking Number
If you have questions about the status of your order, you can contact the Vendor. If you need help with an order, the Vendor you purchased your order from is the best person to help you.
The vendor wasn’t able to help me
f the vendor is unable to help you, your next step is to contact [email protected] so we can help you with your order.
I’m having trouble Receiving my order
If you're having trouble receiving an order, it's possible you placed your order using an incorrect address. If you messaged the seller, and opened a case, and you didn’t receive the help you need, select Contact support at the bottom of this page and we'd be happy to help.