If you utilize Shopify, our integration is complete and the API will handle your order fulfillment, just like it does for your existing Shopify orders. If this is not set up for your brand, contact your brand manager: [email protected]
If you utilize another e-commerce platform, or are utilizing the Kwik marketplace as your sole ecommerce store, feel free to continue on to the FTP solution.
After you are LIVE and you start receiving orders, (YAY!), follow these steps to manually fulfill.
1-Log in to your Vendor account
2-On the right hand side, click ORDERS.
3- On the top right of your screen, click EXPORT.
4- A window will pop up and you'll insert the dates of the report you'd like run.
5-Enter the dates desired (whether you log in once daily or need to run a report to check orders from the previous week or month). When you click Export, an excel file will be downloaded onto your computer. With this file, you can open and manually fulfill or you can send it to your fulfillment center to process.
Look at this report for a minute and you'll notice all the fields and information it provides incase you need that later :)
AFTER orders have been processed and you have a tracking #, we need that information back in the system.
1-Return to your vendor account and click on Orders.
2-Click on the order you wish to update and a window or a 'receipt' view pops up.
3-Click into the Tracking # field and type the correlating tracking #
4-Click ENTER on your keyboard. You'll now see a message pop up
5- Click off of that receipt, or click X in the top right corner to move onto the next customer's order and update all tracking #'s.
IF YOU SHIP DIGITAL PRODUCT: enter Emailed (insert date) into the tracking field.
This FTP solution is a great tool for all vendors that do not want to manually fulfill orders or update tracking #’s, especially those that are not Shopify users.
After you have your log in information provided (ask me if you need that) you’ll download the FTP client of your choice. Some examples are: Windows: FileZilla, WinSCP. Mac: Cyberduck. Your IT team should be familiar, if not we can help you out.
The FTP client shown in the tutorial is call WinSCP. https://winscp.net/eng/index.php
Here is a tutorial video on how to use it. It is pretty simple, it should be a quick drag and drop only.
Enter your login information (that you were given from us), like this.
Once you are logged in, you should see two folders. When you are logged in, you should see two folders.
Shipping File
- This is where you will find the system generated shipping files. The process will run at 8am MST, every Monday to Friday.
- We will also send an email to the brand owners email (or whatever email you'd prefer) when you have orders. :)
- Download this file and send or drop it to your current fulfillment center.
Tracking File
- This is where you must upload the tracking files in the requested format (see attached documents for examples of what your file should look like. Excel can cause issues with auto formatting, so it is best to use WordPad or Notepad to create the csv file)
- After uploaded, the Kwik system will detect that there is a file, then process it and move it to the Sub-folder “Processed”
- Your order has been updated in Kwik!
To Download your Shipping file:
You can double click on “ShippingFile”, and find all Kwik generated shipping files there. You can 1-drag the wanted file onto your desktop to download/read from it, OR you can 2-right click and choose Download as well.
If you open this file and it is encrypted or in a weird format, it’s trying to open the file in a notepad. Download the file and it typically solves that issue.
Download your Shipping File and transfer or upload it to your fulfillment center for processing. Once the orders have been fulfilled, you’ll need to create the tracking file.
Once you have the tracking file created in the format attached “Sample Tracking File”, you can drag and drop that file into the “TrackingFile” folder.
Within 24 hours, Kwik will automatically detect a file in the folder and process it accordingly.
Here’s a quick video walking you through the steps as well. https://www.loom.com/share/eb234afc529b42b79e01de70531925c7
By completing this process, tracking #’s will be updated in the Kwik system, keeping your users and our system up to date.
If you have any questions or need assistance at any step, email [email protected] and our team will get you taken care of!