Do you want translations on your product name and descriptions in other languages? If you are okay with only English descriptions, you may leave them as is and skip this step. 

Auto translation is tricky (we are working on it) but sometimes it doesn't capture your brands voice great so we let you handle this for now. 

How to add translations:

After you've created and saved your base product, click Edit Product. 

At the top of the product page, you'll now see language options. 

If you'd like to add Spanish, click EDIT PRODUCT and at the top you'll see language options. Click Español, then scroll down and adjust translations as desired (typically this is just the product name and long description. However, if you have variants, you can translate those as well). 



 Click Update Product in the top right to save your hard work. Feel free to add as many translations as desired, but don't forget to save your changes!