What is Kwik?

Kwik's goal and mission are to help Users be rewarded for their everyday brand and product recommendations, including rewards for more than just direct referrals! We are constantly working on providing all the tools you need to make that happen effectively and efficiently.

We Provide Many Tools Such As:

-Waves of Earning

-Easy Link Sharing

-Centralization of campaigns

-Unique Link Sharing

-Handling of Commissions

-Blockchain Tracking Technology

-Advanced Analytics about your true influence


-Exploring New Brands

-Social Communities

If you want to learn more, click here, or go to kwik.com.

Everyone is an expert or geek about something. Everyone has that brand they love or those products they're an expert about.  Naturally, they want to share that knowledge with their friends. This is something that everyone is doing every single day, but they're not getting paid or rewarded in any way for it. 

Kwik has invented an easy solution that makes sense for everyone, that works for everyone, and that is super simple to make those recommendations that you do every day much more impactful in your life. You will now get paid for the totality of the everyday influence you have. With Waves, we have created a meaningful way for people to get paid for what impact they truly have on the brands they love and to help them realize their impact.

By doing this naturally the brands can reduce their advertising expenses and put that money into their customers. Brands know that customers and word-of-mouth marketing are the ultimate pinnacles in marketing. Having your customers talk about their brand and share their brand with their friends is the most successful marketing plan. With Kwik, it will increase word of mouth marketing exponentially and it will provide accurate and secure data with our blockchain technology to quantify word of mouth marketing. Helping brands to find who is growing their company and where they should be putting their money.